AffineMap |
Apply an affine map to a vector
BackSubstitution |
Use backward substitution to compute a vector x such that ax = b, where a is upper triangular
square matrix.
Convolution |
Compute the discrete convolution of two vectors
ForwardSubstitution |
Use forward substitution to compute a vector x such that ax = b, where a is lower triangular
square matrix.
GramSchmidt |
Perform the Gram-Schmidt process on a list of linearly independent vectors.
InvertTriangularMatrix |
Invert lower triangular matrix.
LinearInverseProblem |
Solve a linear inverse problem, eg.
MoorePenrosePseudoInverse |
Compute the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix A.
NormalizeVector |
Normalize a vector.
Projection |
Compute the projection of a vector onto another.
QRAlgorithm |
Compute eigenvalues of a matrix using the iterative QR algorithm.
QRDecomposition |
Compute the QR-decomposition of an mxn-matrix A with m ≥ n and full column rank.