Package dk.alexandra.fresco.stat.utils
Interface Summary Interface Description MatrixUtils.MatrixPopulator<E> VectorUtils.EntrywiseBinaryOp<A,B,C> VectorUtils.EntrywiseUnaryOp<A,C> -
Class Summary Class Description MatrixUtils MaxList Given a list X = [x0, ..., xn-1] with n a power of 2, this method returns a pair [max(X), i : xi = max(X)].MaxPair Returns [max(x, y), 1 if y = max(x, y) and 0 otherwise]MultiDimensionalArray<T> A multi-dimensional array is a data collection where entries are indexed by a fixed length vector (the length equals the dimension of the array).RealUtils TransposedMatrixAction This computation multiplies the transpose of the given matrix to a vector without explicitly representing the matrix in its transposed form.Triple<A,B,C> Instances of this class holds three values of arbitrary type.VectorUtils