Class Histogram

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Histogram
extends Object
implements Computation<List<DRes<SInt>>,​ProtocolBuilderNumeric>
Compute a 1-dimensional histogram for a data set.
  • Constructor Details

    • Histogram

      public Histogram​(List<DRes<SInt>> buckets, List<DRes<SInt>> data)
      Given a list of upper bounds for buckets and a list of samples, this computation computes the histogram for the given buckets. The last bucket contains all samples larger than the last upper bound.
      buckets - Soft upper bounds for buckets
      data - List of samples
  • Method Details

    • buildComputation

      public DRes<List<DRes<SInt>>> buildComputation​(ProtocolBuilderNumeric builder)
      Specified by:
      buildComputation in interface Computation<List<DRes<SInt>>,​ProtocolBuilderNumeric>