Histogram |
Compute a 1-dimensional histogram for a data set.
LeakyBreakTies |
Assuming that the input data is sorted, this computation outputs the ranks of the elements using
the given strategy.
LeakyFrequencyTable |
Compute the frequencies of entries in the given data.
MultiDimensionalHistogram |
Compute a multi-dimensiona histogram on a dataset
PearsonCorrelation |
Compute the correlation between two samples.
Ranks |
Output ranks with averaged ties and correction term for Kruskall-Wallis.
SampleMean |
Compute the mean of a list of observations.
SampleMedian |
Compute the sample median of a sample
SampleQuantiles |
Compute some quantiles for a sample
SampleStandardDeviation |
Compute the standard deviation of a list of observations.
SampleVariance |
Compute the sample variance for a list of observations.
TwoDimensionalHistogram |
Compute a two-dimensional histogram for a given two dimensional data set.