Class LeakyFrequencyTable

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LeakyFrequencyTable
extends Object
implements Computation<List<Pair<DRes<SInt>,​Integer>>,​ProtocolBuilderNumeric>
Compute the frequencies of entries in the given data. The set of frequencies will be leaked to all parties but the corresponding values will be kept secret. If the data has not been obliviously shuffled before this computation, the indices of equal values will be leaked.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • buildComputation

      public DRes<List<Pair<DRes<SInt>,​Integer>>> buildComputation​(ProtocolBuilderNumeric builder)
      Specified by:
      buildComputation in interface Computation<List<Pair<DRes<SInt>,​Integer>>,​ProtocolBuilderNumeric>